Wednesday 21 February 2007

It s A Lovestory, but in the midst of life And death battle. It s long and sustained assault
by ENEMY who fears
The Tongue is fire...and is Set Fire by HELL! hm nice..James 3:6 and Ephesians 4:29
Death and Life ARE in the Power of the Tongue! many times
Im the Ressurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me ...Shall Live...shall never Die. Do You Believe THIS ? John 11:26
He Chose us...taht we should become holy Ephesians 1:4. keep balance!
Its my duty to stay in His Grace. Galatians 6:7 We are Not deceived, God is not Mocked..
Many answers in John Eldredge: Wild at Heart book, mm page 177 John Bunyan: Pilgrims Progress, READ IT!
And the Kingdom of HEaven suffer Violence And the Violent Take it By force (Matt 11:12) ?